Our Mission
Our small-company atmosphere and collaborative spirit contribute to a culture of mutual respect and support. The people who work at LeMaitre are proud of the work they do.
The LeMaitre Constitution
Our Purpose
LeMaitre provides surgeons and interventionalists around the world with innovative devices and information so that they can diagnose and heal the sick. We believe society and the marketplace will judge and reward LeMaitre based on our ability to achieve this purpose.
Our Three Constituents
Our primary pledge is to our customer, the surgeon/interventionalist. Our customers seek to buy the most effective therapeutic devices available, and we must continue to provide them with innovative products and techniques to meet their needs. Founded by a vascular surgeon, we have always emphasized a close working relationship with practitioners to help us bring such products and techniques to market. Our success depends upon continuing our partnership with all surgeons and interventionalists.
Our secondary obligation is to ourselves, LeMaitre’s employees. We strive to create a demanding yet fun work environment by emphasizing teamwork and decentralizing decision-making. This should be the best job each of us has ever had.
Our final obligation is to our stockholders, who need to be rewarded for their investment.
Our five business principles are:
We please customers.
We’re honest.
We compete and cooperate.
We experiment.
We’re fiscally prudent.
Perhaps we should have added a sixth: We have fun.